Сколько можно вывести биткоинов за раз на сбербанк depends on several factors. First, it is important to note that Sberbank has certain transaction limits, which can vary depending on the customer's account type and verification level.

Generally, for verified individual accounts, the daily withdrawal limit for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is around 600,000 rubles. This limit may be subject to change, and it is recommended to check with Sberbank for the most up-to-date information.

For business accounts, the withdrawal limits can be higher, but they also vary depending on the specific account type and customer's needs.

It's worth mentioning that in addition to Sberbank's limits, there may be additional fees and charges associated with Bitcoin withdrawals. These fees can depend on the exchange or wallet used for the withdrawal transaction.

If you have specific concerns or need detailed information about Bitcoin withdrawals at Sberbank, it is advisable to contact their customer support or visit their official website for the latest guidelines and regulations.

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